Claims Advisory Notes

Please read the notes carefully before completing the form. 

Please note our claims are handled by AXA. When you complete this form, it will be sent to the team there and they will contact you regarding your claim. If you would like to get in touch with the Renovation Plan team, please give us a call on 01621 784840 or email us at

We use a limited number of specialist Loss Adjusters. We want to give you the best service possible at the time when you most need our help but we cannot do this unless you give us all the information we need to process your claim. Please, therefore, answer all the questions as fully as you can. We have tried to cover most eventualities with these questions but please add further relevant information on a separate sheet.

Questions 1 to 5: the information enables us to quickly find your file and establish that the policy is in force.  We need your telephone number so that an adjuster or other representative can make rapid contact with you, if needed.

Question 6: most insurance policies, including yours, contain conditions which either say that the “more specific insurance” shall pay or alternatively that where both apply they shall share the loss in proportion to their sums insured. We may ask you to make a claim under the other policy but where possible we deal directly with the other Insurer thereafter.

Loss of or Damage to Property Section

The Renovation Plan policy offers three Levels of cover, Standard, Premier and Premier Plus. Check your policy schedule to ensure you are covered for the event that has occurred. If you are in any doubt please speak to us.

As well as establishing that an insured loss has occurred insurers may need to work closely with the Police to try to apprehend any criminal involved and to recover your property. With some malicious damage (such as occurs during riots or civil disorder) you are entitled to recompense from the Police Authority itself.

If your contents are damaged by any insured peril tell us at once. You may well need help in the shape of an experienced adjuster to guide you on cleaning or drying out, etc. Do not throw away damaged articles until we settle your claim or advise you to dispose of them, unless keeping them is a danger to health.

Legal Liability Section

Never delay advising us of any circumstance known to you which might lead to someone making a claim against you. The sooner we know, the sooner we can collect the facts, witness’s statements, etc., to establish a true picture so that we can defend your position adequately or settle the claim quickly when eventually made. Do not wait for the claim!

Please remember that underwriters indemnify you only in cases where you are legally responsible not just when you feel that you ought to pay up! The third party has to prove negligence or nuisance or breach of statute and may not be able to. If you are not legally liable your policy will not pay except for legal costs in defending your position.